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Catherine Reid

Merci by Christine Rabette

Merci by Christine Rabette

Watch this video if you're having a mid-afternoon slump, and thinking of coffee or chocolate.  No side-effects, except possibly a sore belly from laughing.



This is a beautifully-done video. We will only be doing a few of these moves in Monday night's outdoor yoga class!   Maybe the rest will happen on Friday morning....

Relaxation Audio

Relaxation Audio

3 Minutes to Bliss This 3-minute audio uses a simple sequence of rhythmic breathing, combined with finger movements, to focus your awareness and calm your mind.*  * Please listen to this meditation while sitting free from distractions, in a quiet place. Do not press...

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Vitamin N

Vitamin N

There was a great article in the local paper last week about reconnecting with nature.* One thing the author mentioned was her goal in 2014 to do one thing every day that she could only do in the summer. I love this idea! Perhaps you’ve heard of “earthing”.  Borrowed...

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The Power of Focused Attention

The Power of Focused Attention

On the way to a late-summer visit with family and friends in southern Ontario, I was on a plane from Calgary to Toronto.  As our descent began, the pressure in the cabin changed, and a baby started crying.  I reflected on how much that sound used to upset me. As I...

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