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Catherine Reid
2015 Autumn Schedule
MONDAY September 14 - December 14 6 – 7 p.m. Hatha 1 @ Lewis Centre ...
Merci by Christine Rabette
Watch this video if you're having a mid-afternoon slump, and thinking of coffee or chocolate. No side-effects, except possibly a sore belly from laughing.
This is a beautifully-done video. We will only be doing a few of these moves in Monday night's outdoor yoga class! Maybe the rest will happen on Friday morning....
5 Questions To Ask Around The Dinner Table
Never Leave the Playground – Stephen Jepson
Do you believe that biology is destiny? Think again. The burgeoning field of epigenetics is showing that our DNA does...
The significance of the number 108 in yoga
Sometimes in class the number 108 is mentioned, specifically with regard to the idea of performing that many Sun Salutations in a row. This 2-minute video gives a brief introduction to the significance of the number 108.
Relaxation Audio
3 Minutes to Bliss This 3-minute audio uses a simple sequence of rhythmic breathing, combined with finger movements, to focus your awareness and calm your mind.* * Please listen to this meditation while sitting free from distractions, in a quiet place. Do not press...
Inspirational Aging
In These Arms, A Song for All Beings — Jennifer Berezan
Vitamin N
There was a great article in the local paper last week about reconnecting with nature.* One thing the author mentioned was her goal in 2014 to do one thing every day that she could only do in the summer. I love this idea! Perhaps you’ve heard of “earthing”. Borrowed...
The Power of Focused Attention
On the way to a late-summer visit with family and friends in southern Ontario, I was on a plane from Calgary to Toronto. As our descent began, the pressure in the cabin changed, and a baby started crying. I reflected on how much that sound used to upset me. As I...
What are the Chances?
A few weeks ago, while doing some errands on my bike, I was near a flowering shrub when I swung my leg over to dismount. My...