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Catherine Reid
5 Questions To Ask Around The Dinner Table
Never Leave the Playground – Stephen Jepson
Do you believe that biology is destiny? Think again. The burgeoning field of epigenetics is showing that our DNA does...
2015 Spring Class Schedule
MONDAY Apr. 13 – June 29 6 – 7 p.m. Hatha 1 Call Courtenay Recreation at (250)338-1000 for details, or use link below: 7:15 – 8:45 p.m. Hatha 2 Courtenay Rec. as above TUESDAY Apr. 14...
Vitamin N
There was a great article in the local paper last week about reconnecting with nature.* One thing the author mentioned was her goal in 2014 to do one thing every day that she could only do in the summer. I love this idea! Perhaps you’ve heard of “earthing”. Borrowed...
The Power of Focused Attention
On the way to a late-summer visit with family and friends in southern Ontario, I was on a plane from Calgary to Toronto. As our descent began, the pressure in the cabin changed, and a baby started crying. I reflected on how much that sound used to upset me. As I...
What are the Chances?
A few weeks ago, while doing some errands on my bike, I was near a flowering shrub when I swung my leg over to dismount. My...
Take your yoga outdoors
Ahh, summer. As the weather warms and sunny days finally start outnumbering rainy ones, people all over the Valley can be found shedding layers, laughing more freely and taking their recreation outdoors. Yoga is one such recreational activity that can offer an...
Yoga for Gardeners
If you’re a gardener, this is the time of year your muscles likely start complaining as you bend, dig, plant and haul. The more decades you’ve spent here on the home planet, the louder those complaints! Spend just a few minutes warming up before heading outside and...
Need some additional challenge added to your yoga, try a toddler!
Yoga in special circumstances
Perhaps you’ve been considering trying yoga for a while but are hesitating because of one reason or another. Perhaps you’re pregnant. Maybe you’re a runner. Maybe you’re a muscle-bound man. Perhaps you’re recovering from an injury or surgery, or are over 50 and feel...
Yoga for Your Back
Have you ever said, “I have a bad back”? Has back pain ever interfered with your life? Welcome to the vast majority of the adult population. Now here’s the big question: Is back discomfort such a common occurrence that you’ve simply resigned yourself to living with...
Insight of the Day
I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater...