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Catherine Reid

The significance of the number 108 in yoga

The significance of the number 108 in yoga

Sometimes in class the number 108 is mentioned, specifically with regard to the idea of performing that many Sun Salutations in a row.  This 2-minute video gives a brief introduction to the significance of the number 108.

2014 Winter Class Schedule

2014 Winter Class Schedule

  MONDAY   Jan. 12 – March 30 6 – 7 p.m. Hatha 1  Call Courtenay Recreation at (250)338-1000 for details, or use link below:   7:15 – 8:45 p.m.  Hatha 2  Courtenay Rec. as above...

Relaxation Audio

Relaxation Audio

3 Minutes to Bliss This 3-minute audio uses a simple sequence of rhythmic breathing, combined with finger movements, to focus your awareness and calm your mind.*  * Please listen to this meditation while sitting free from distractions, in a quiet place. Do not press...

Take your yoga outdoors

Take your yoga outdoors

Ahh, summer. As the weather warms and sunny days finally start outnumbering rainy ones, people all over the Valley can be found shedding layers, laughing more freely and taking their recreation outdoors. Yoga is one such recreational activity that can offer an...

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Yoga for Gardeners

Yoga for Gardeners

If you’re a gardener, this is the time of year your muscles likely start complaining as you bend, dig, plant and haul. The more decades you’ve spent here on the home planet, the louder those complaints! Spend just a few minutes warming up before heading outside and...

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Yoga in special circumstances

Yoga in special circumstances

Perhaps you’ve been considering trying yoga for a while but are hesitating because of one reason or another. Perhaps you’re pregnant. Maybe you’re a runner. Maybe you’re a muscle-bound man. Perhaps you’re recovering from an injury or surgery, or are over 50 and feel...

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Yoga for Your Back

Yoga for Your Back

Have you ever said, “I have a bad back”? Has back pain ever interfered with your life? Welcome to the vast majority of the adult population. Now here’s the big question: Is back discomfort such a common occurrence that you’ve simply resigned yourself to living with...

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That’s Not How I Parked It!

That’s Not How I Parked It!

On Saturday afternoon, I was getting my house ready for a client when I heard a loud screech of tires and a thump.  I ran barefoot outside to investigate, saw my car in an odd position, and a very upset man sitting in an SUV in my driveway.  He had lost control and...

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Yoga: an ounce of prevention

Yoga: an ounce of prevention

In 1735, while trying to convince the city of Philadelphia to form a fire department, Benjamin Franklin famously wrote that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Like many enduring truths, this one is easier to talk about than to implement. Remember your...

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Too busy to relax?

Too busy to relax?

Do you feel pulled in too many directions? Are your nerves strung tighter than a tennis racquet? Do you rush around from morning to night barely remembering to breathe?   While some stress is normal and healthy, when it’s out of balance it can wear you down. One...

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