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Catherine Reid
Take your yoga outdoors
Ahh, summer. As the weather warms and sunny days finally start outnumbering rainy ones, people all over the Valley can be found shedding layers, laughing more freely and taking their recreation outdoors. Yoga is one such recreational activity that can offer an...
Yoga for Gardeners
If you’re a gardener, this is the time of year your muscles likely start complaining as you bend, dig, plant and haul. The more decades you’ve spent here on the home planet, the louder those complaints! Spend just a few minutes warming up before heading outside and...
Need some additional challenge added to your yoga, try a toddler!
Healthy Living Experts Forum – May 10th, 10am at the House Of Now
Where Community Meets the Leading Health Experts Saturday, May 10th from 10am - 12:40pm Tickets $7.00 Advance or $9.00 Door At The House of Now - 536 Fifth Street, Courtenay ~View the event on ~
Can I do yoga if I’m not flexible?
When people find out I’m a yoga instructor, they often remark, “Oh, I should do that; I keep hearing how good it makes you feel.” This is often followed by, “But I’m so inflexible; I don’t think I’d be good at yoga.” This is akin to saying, “I want to make music on...
Finding the right yoga teacher
In my last column, I looked at how to find the right class if you’re new to yoga. This time, I’ll focus on finding the right teacher. You’re thinking of attending your first yoga class, but you have no idea which one to try. Maybe you’re curious about why yoga is so...
Spring 2014 Teaching Schedule
With Catherine Reid, B.A., R.Y.T. MONDAY April 7 – June 23 6 – 7 p.m. Hatha 1 - Call Courtenay Recreation for details, or use the following link: [av_hr class='invisible' height='10'...
Take your time to find the right yoga class
The word is finally out in the mainstream consciousness that yoga is extremely beneficial, both physically and in terms of stress relief and spiritual health. As yoga increases in popularity, however, more and more people are bewildered by the variety of choices...
NEW CLASS – A Great Way to End Your Week
How do you feel on Friday afternoons? Tired? Stressed? "Done"? This 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. yoga class might be exactly what you need to unwind and feel replenished. If you've been looking for an "after-work" yoga class, this might be the one for you! Central...
Change to Winter 2014 Teaching Schedule
[av_font_icon icon='ue833' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' color='' size='40px' position='left'][/av_font_icon]To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3 Please be aware that I no...
Winter 2014 Teaching Schedule
With Catherine Reid, B.A., R.Y.T. [HTML1]