Tips, Teachings, News & Events
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Catherine Reid
Yoga in special circumstances
Perhaps you’ve been considering trying yoga for a while but are hesitating because of one reason or another. Perhaps you’re pregnant. Maybe you’re a runner. Maybe you’re a muscle-bound man. Perhaps you’re recovering from an injury or surgery, or are over 50 and feel...
Yoga for Your Back
Have you ever said, “I have a bad back”? Has back pain ever interfered with your life? Welcome to the vast majority of the adult population. Now here’s the big question: Is back discomfort such a common occurrence that you’ve simply resigned yourself to living with...
Insight of the Day
I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater...
Spring 2014 Teaching Schedule
With Catherine Reid, B.A., R.Y.T. MONDAY April 7 – June 23 6 – 7 p.m. Hatha 1 - Call Courtenay Recreation for details, or use the following link: [av_hr class='invisible' height='10'...
Take your time to find the right yoga class
The word is finally out in the mainstream consciousness that yoga is extremely beneficial, both physically and in terms of stress relief and spiritual health. As yoga increases in popularity, however, more and more people are bewildered by the variety of choices...
NEW CLASS – A Great Way to End Your Week
How do you feel on Friday afternoons? Tired? Stressed? "Done"? This 5:30 - 6:45 p.m. yoga class might be exactly what you need to unwind and feel replenished. If you've been looking for an "after-work" yoga class, this might be the one for you! Central...
Change to Winter 2014 Teaching Schedule
[av_font_icon icon='ue833' font='entypo-fontello' style='' caption='' link='' linktarget='' color='' size='40px' position='left'][/av_font_icon]To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Ecclesiastes 3 Please be aware that I no...
Winter 2014 Teaching Schedule
With Catherine Reid, B.A., R.Y.T. [HTML1]
Laugh a little…
Autumn 2013 Teaching Schedule
With Catherine Reid, B.A., R.Y.T. [HTML1]
Outdoor Yoga Led by Catherine Reid Continues!
PARK #1 Outdoor yoga classes in Comox will be continuing for...
Lilias! Yoga Gets Better With Age
By Lilias Folan; Rodale, 2005 This book is a gem. Lilias Folan truly lives the yogic path, and she has a lovely ability to present yoga’s rich complexity in a clear and compelling style. Her teachings have an authenticity based on many decades of practice, and...