Listen… 🎶 Do You Want to Know a Secret?
“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Rumi
“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” Rumi
I thought I knew a fair amount about breathing from numerous decades of doing Yoga, but there were surprises in James Nestor’s book Breath. In this extensively-researched book, the author explores both ancient teachings and leading-edge science to help us understand the importance of proper breathing techniques for vibrant health and wellbeing. It will change your perceptions – and perhaps your habits – around this thing that you do about 20,000 times a day, mostly unconsciously.
Here on the coast of B.C., we’ll take sunshine in any form right now. Do you dig these out, mow them down, and generally wish they’d never shown up in your yard? Perhaps you’ve heard that they’re “good for you”, but you’ve tried to eat them, and were not impressed. See below for a delicious Dandelion recipe.
Whether or not you made resolutions for the New Year, perhaps you’d enjoy a space to reflect on the year just past. Taking time to pause and record a year’s joys and sorrows, challenges and triumphs, as well as lessons, risks, surprises, and completions is a way of summarizing and integrating the ending of the year.