Remembering to Breathe

Last week  someone said that when she arrived in class, her breath was stuck in the middle of her chest, and about halfway through the hour, it dropped down into her belly. This was spoken  enthusiastically, with raised brows. Surely this is one of yoga’s...
Happy for No Reason

Happy for No Reason

Happy for No Reason By Marci Shimoff Free Press, 2008 If ancient Eastern philosophies and the current interest in personal growth had a child, it would be this book. Phrases from the Upanishads (one of the most ancient Indian texts) like, “Happiness for any reason is...
Toxic Beauty

Toxic Beauty

Toxic Beauty   by Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. Benbella Books,2009   I thought I knew enough about healthy living to be SAFE in my own bathroom! However, one brief scan through this book showed me I had a lot to learn about some of the  harmful substances...