Showing Up is A Good Start

Showing Up is A Good Start

“The third yama is asteya, nonstealing.  While commonly understood as not taking what is not ours, it can also mean not taking more than we need.  We fail to practice asteya when we take credit that is not ours or take more food than we can eat.  We fail also...
The Whole Truth

The Whole Truth

Satya, or Truth, is the second yama that we’re studying in class for the end of January. Within our practice, satya is intimately connected with the first yama (ahimsa, or non-harming).  If my truth in a pose is that a muscle has been pushed into strain, then I...


The theme in my classes for the first 2 weeks of January is ahimsa*, translated as non-violence, or kindness.  In our fast bright striving culture, we are taught to keep moving towards a goal, sometimes at a cost to our own happiness or well-being. In yoga, the...
Women’s Hormonal Health – Dec 4, 2011

Women’s Hormonal Health – Dec 4, 2011

Thanks to everyone who attended this lovely event. If you missed it, and would like to come to the next one, send us an email and we’ll keep you informed of future workshops. Women’s Hormonal Health ~ Rebalance your Hormones ~ Revive your Health ~...
Stir the Pot

Stir the Pot

Sometimes in Savasana (the final resting pose at the end of class), someone coughs, even if they hadn’t done so for the entire duration of the class.  Perhaps tears  emerge, or sighs of relief as people dissolve into absolute rest. Yoga stirs things up.  It...